Hypovereinsbank.de vs Sparkasse.de: Hypo Vereinsbank and Sparkasse domains comparison
This in-depth comparison of hypovereinsbank.de and sparkasse.de might explain which of these two domains is more popular and has better web stats. Comparing Hypo Vereinsbank vs Sparkasse may also be of use if you are interested in such closely related search terms as hypovereinsbank vs sparkasse.
Last updated:
Rating | |
Status | Online |
Latest check | 1 month ago |
Category | Financial institut... |
Domain age | 54 years old |
Domain and Server data |
IP address | |
Hoster | Akamai Technologies, Inc. |
Owner | Thomas Zaech UniCredit Global Information Services S.p.A. |
Rating | |
Status | Online |
Latest check | 1 month ago |
Category | Financial institut... |
Domain age | 54 years old |
Domain and Server data |
IP address | |
Hoster | Myra Security GmbH |
Owner | Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG |
Ranks & Geography
Global Rank61499
Google PR6
Rank in Germany1 074
Rank in Germany681
Yandex CY-
Daily visitors
Daily pageviews
Pageviews per user
Top countries % of search traffic
Germany | 90.8% |
United Kingdom | 3.1% |
Top keywords % of search traffic
hypovereinsbank | 26.34% |
hypovereinsbank login | 10.25% |
Top sites linking in PR
onemarkets.de | 5 |
turnierdersieger.de | 4 |
toool.de | 4 |
itallingua.eu | 3 |
hvb-tower.de | 0 |
Top countries % of search traffic
Germany | 92.8% |
Austria | 0.6% |
Top keywords % of search traffic
Sparkasse | 5.08% |
sparkasse online banking | 2.46% |
sparkasse online | 1.48% |
Top sites linking in PR
deutscher-buergerpreis.de | 5 |
fc-memmingen.de | 4 |
banken.startpagina.nl | 4 |
karte.saechsische-schweiz.de | 3 |
anzeigen-im.net | 3 |
Audience & social engagement
Alexa Stats